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Your Support

Helps so many!

Hope Institute of Uganda, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization utilizes your donations to provide Schools, Scholarships, Containers for Shipments, Medical Needs, Technical School Training, Clean Water, Missionary Housing and so much more to the poor in Uganda.

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Your donations MATTER!  No donation is too small to make a difference in the life of Ugandan parent & child.  Join us and be part of our incredible Hope Institute of Uganda Community.

Your donation can make a difference

Help a seriously ill child

Your $3 donation will provide a lifeline of support to a child, like Jack, who has a life threatening illness and his family when they need it most.

Support a family in need

No parent expects to outlive their child but for some families it’s a reality. $5 will help a family facing one of the toughest times imaginable.

Become a sponsor

Our Family Support Workers care for families at a time of great need. $10 will help families get the support they so desperately need.